Sunday, April 22, 2012


When was the last time you told your son or daughter that you were proud of them?

Or your employee that they did a great job, or your wife or husband that you love them, or your friend that you appreciate your friendship, or your customer that you appreciate their business. Remember, we as human beings crave appreciation.

When we show it, people will respond to us in the most positive ways possible.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Daily Habits...

Many people when they turn 50, their Doctor puts them on a regimen of a ‘baby aspirin’ every day for their cardio health.

Now, they could wait until the end of the month and take 30 pills, and try to justify that – technically, on average - they're following Doctor’s orders. On the other hand, they could simply take one aspirin every morning.

Which would you propose – to get the best results?

When the idea of SendOutCards initially comes up with many small business owners, they immediately think – as we’ve been trained to think lately when it comes to sending out printed materials – “I can use this to blast my entire database with all kinds of promotions!”

That’s like taking the whole bottle of aspirin!

The beauty of SendOutCards is that it has a built-in Contact Manager that never lets you forget a Birthday, Anniversary, or important event ever again. This gives you the tremendous opportunity to bring to mind your customers, prospects and friends daily – by sending out highly personalized remembrances one or two cards at a time.

A great referral for me is that local business person you know who wants to invest in building solid relationships with their customers, family and friends that last for a lifetime.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Everyone needs Someone....Be CAREFUL of WHO you are around

Everyone needs Someone....Be CAREFUL of WHO you are around ~

Just like the Bible says "Who hath hindered you"
When you do wrong, or get in trouble, although you *might* have *done* it by yourself - there was *someone* that you were with or around that *hindered* your thoughts or actions in the WRONG way....

On that SAME note....others you are around for GOOD will HELP you to do BETTER, same thing whether or not they flat out help you - they may indirectly help you by giving you advice, you reading their book, listening to their seminar, or even just seeing them *love and live their life*.

It has been said your income is the average of your 5 closest friends - so who are your friends - who are you hanging around with - who are you texting and talking to? Do you want your income, your life, your values to be like thiers??? If that is a YES, great! If it is a no or not really....then start making some changes in YOUR life for the BETTER - it is YOUR CHOICE.

And remember NO ONE gets to the TOP alone....or to the BOTTOM....they always have others that either HELPED or HINDERED them - Which is YOUR choice?